iDog classes this weekend at Tekserve!

Dogs can use several apps to draw and paint.

This Sunday, May 18th, we will be teaching two levels of our iDog class at the TEKSERVE store at 119 West 23rd Street.

In these classes, which have been featured in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and The Guardian, students learn how to use touchscreen devices to help perfect their ability to reward dogs with excellent timing. We believe that it doesn't matter WHAT you teach your dog: Any training you do, be it something useful or silly, is helping hone their ability to understand what it is you want. Human and dog students will walk away with a better understanding of positive reinforcement dog training, and with drawings and photos created by your dog. Don't have a touchscreen device? We'll have loaners!

Teach your pet to take a dogselfie

“Selfies” taken by dogs using their noses on iPads and iPhones.

Check out our spokesdog Amos hard at work.

Come by Tekserve at noon for a meet and greet with iPad expert Amos. Classes begin at 1:15. iDog 1, from 1:15 to 2:45, is for dogs who are brand new to clicker training. Pups who already know how to “target” a hand or object are ready for iDog 2, which is from 3 to 4. Classes are $50. Spaces are limited!


Annie Grossman