dog in unicorn outfit

Train your dog to be okay wearing a costume


Costumes are not necessarily fun for dogs. However, a little bit of training can go a long way to help acclimate dogs to their gettups. Here are some steps for starting out.

1. Create good associations

Keep the costume behind your back, and present it, and a treat, to your dog at the same time. After feeding the treat bring the costume behind your back again. Costume = treats! If your dog knows how to nose target an item, you can also present the costume and then mark and reward when they target it.

2. Put the costume on (just a little bit)

With every repetition move the costume closer to your dog, until you can successfully put it on/over them. If your dog shows signs of discomfort, remove the costume and give your dog the choice to return to the training. Some signals that may indicate a dog is uncomfortable might be moving away from the costume include turning the head away, licking lips or scratching at the costume.

3. Start slow

Begin building duration with the costume touching or on them by delaying your mark for an additional second and then rewarding and removing the costume. It's a good idea to work up towards more duration over several session. Note that this training in this video was done over the course of four days and was broken down into 4-10 minute sessions total. Ever time you start a new session, warm up by practicing an easier step your dog has already worked through.

4. Build duration

Gently put the costume on, your dog, use a marker (like the word “yes” or a clicker) when it's on and then reward generously before removing. Work up to attaching all parts of the costume and keeping it on for 10-15 seconds at a time before removing and repeating.

5. Build confidence
Practice cues your dog knows and enjoys such as hand targeting while building duration in the costume.

6. Put the costume on at mealtimes
Once your dog is comfortable in the costume, you can further help create good associations by putting it on when you serve meals.

For more on dogs and costumes, tune into School For The Dogs Podcast.

Leeyah Wiseman